Monday, January 23, 2012

Photo Day in the Snow!

The Light Room hosted the Shutterbugs last Saturday as the kids braved the snow and spent the day in Fairmount taking photos and developing their first rolls of film. Thanks to Lightroom members Joshua Marowitz, Annarita Gentile, and Erin Yard for taking the time to work with us. Special thanks to member Al Wachlin Jr. who made this whole day happen!

Taking photos in park.

In Al Wachlin's van on the way to the lab.

Shutterbugs along with Lightroom members Annarita, Josh, and Al.

More Shutterbugs developing with Lightroom member Erin.

Christopher discovers Snapple ATM!

Rashawn about to be loaded into truck.

My High schooler's Franchesca, Jannomys, and Tania who continue to be in the Shutterbugs even after graduating from Stetson!